Mother’s Day

This Sunday, May 12th is Mother’s Day. On this day we remember our mother’s sacrifice, devotion, and love. Also, I am mindful that some mothers are no longer with us. So, I realize that tomorrow may be difficult. Please know that I understand those emotions and your loss. My prayer is that those godly mothers who went before us will be honored and cherished in our hearts always!
Today, we are thankful for those godly mother’s who have made an impact on our spiritual lives. The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well” (2 Timothy 1:5).
Paul reminds Timothy that the Christian faith was instilled in him by his mother and grandmother. This wonderful verse reveals two important points about these godly women.
First, these two women lived the faith. Paul’s use of the word “dwelt” (ἐνοικέω) means that faith in Christ was active in their hearts and lives. The gospel had made a home in their hearts. In short, the gospel had set up house in their innermost being and was being lived out on a daily basis. So, the influence was much broader than sharing a Scripture and praying with Timothy before bed. The young boy Timothy was able to see the real Christian faith lived out on a practical level.
Second, the Christian faith was caught by Timothy. Paul’s words “I am sure” (πείθω) refers to something that is convincing beyond question or something that is certain. So, what was Paul convinced of in regards to Timothy? He was convinced that the same faith that was alive in his mother and grandmother is now fully active in Timothy’s life. Although we are not told how this came about, we can safely assume that both Timothy’s mother and grandmother spent hours teaching him the ways of God and leading him to personal faith in Christ. What a joy it must have been for these two godly women to see Timothy not only receive Christ but to watch it play out in his daily life!
As we celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow, I want to thank all mothers for your dedication, service, and love! Teaching your children to follow and be obedient to Christ is the greatest challenge and yet, the most rewarding. You are leading a legacy of the Christian faith and the Kingdom of God!
So, my prayer is that you truly have a wonderful day!!!

in Christ, Pastor Mike

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